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Beyond Marketing: How a well-structured outsourced marketing agency can drive successful business transformation.

Recent research by EY teams and the University of Oxford has revealed that a significant number of senior leaders have experienced underperforming transformations in recent years, raising concerns about the effectiveness of these initiatives. In the piece, EY refers to the role of the Chief Marketing Officer and its potential impact on achieving that transformational success.

Successful transformations require prioritising of initiatives that will make a difference combined with collaboration or taking people with you on a journey.

Outsourced marketing agencies that take on the Chief Marketing Officer role can be the ultimate transformational package – objective, experienced and driven. CMOs working across multiple brands can bring in their cross-functional and cross-industry expertise to facilitate effective change and help you make informed brand decisions. By understanding the nuances of your business better than you can, they will apply their many years of expert knowledge to lead whatever transformation process you undertake. Their skills in persuasive messaging, communication and most importantly soft skills are critical to fostering collaboration among different teams and departments.

When we are called in to help businesses, it is always when there is no time to make change happen or the task is just too big. Companies are either growing quickly, are experiencing significant change through mergers and acquisitions or are being beaten down by the strength of their competition and need to catch up.

Once upon a time, marketers were not considered to be the heart of change, until savvy organisations realised that a well-performing brand was the driving factor for competing at scale.

The risk in choosing the agency for you is in getting it wrong. However, the best marketing agencies are those that have proven their customers right. Ensure you look for evidence of success, longevity of client tenure and that you are serviced by well-trained experts.

Outsourced marketing agencies, such as The Brand Marquee, with our diverse expertise and human-centred approach, have the potential to play a role in your organisational change. By leveraging our skills, we can help organisations make that transformation and significantly increasing the likelihood of success.

Get in touch with any one of our senior CMOs: Susan Anderton, Heidi Jermyn